AssetWise Public Company Limited

AssetWise Public Company Limited (“ASW” or “Company”) is a holding company that invests and acquires controlling stakes in other companies, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Group”. The Group comprises ASW and 15 subsidiaries, 12 of which primarily engage in the business of residential real estate development, specifically condominium and low-rise development projects such as housing estates, townhomes, and home offices. The other three subsidiaries engage in other businesses relating to real estate development, such as real estate development for rent and real estate brokerage. Such comprehensive line of products and services, along with a plethora of amenities and facilities, are designed to fulfill the lifestyle needs of various customer groups under the concept of

Head Office Address:
9 Soi Ramintra 5, Junction 23 Anusawari, Bang Khen, Bangkok 10220
Registration Number:
Business Type:
Holding Company
Telephone Number:
02-521-9533 Ext 35
Authorized Capital:
1,410,406,937 Baht
Paid-Up Capital:
899,555,549 Baht
Number of Shares:
899,555,549 ordinary shares
Share Value:
1 Baht per share