
2024 Annual General Meeting

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the year 2024
Notice of the Annual General Meeting
Notice of the Annual General Meeting of the year 2023
The 2023 Form 56-1 One Report and Statements of Financial Position for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023 (QR CODE)
Summary of the issuance and offer for sale of debentures of the Company
Capital Increase Form 53-4
Profiles of the persons who are nominated as directors to replace those who are due to retire by rotation
Business segments to prevent conflicts of interest policy
The Article of Association Regarding the Shareholder’s Meeting
Diagram of Procedures for Attendance of the Annual General Meeting of the year 2024 via Electronic Method
Statement of Authentication, Proxy Methods, Registration, and Meeting Attendance and e-Voting
Form of Intention to Attend the Annual General Meeting of the year 2024 via Electronic Method
User Manual Electronics Meeting System (DAP e-Shareholder Meeting)
The Detail of Independent Directors to be the Proxy
Proxy Form A, Form B and C setup by the Department of Business Development
- Proxy Form A.
- Proxy Form B.
- Proxy Form C.
Privacy Notice for the Shareholder’s Meeting
Proposal of Meeting Agenda
Director Candidate Proposal
Criteria for Shareholders to Propose a Director Candidate at the 2024 Annual General Meeting for Shareholders
2024 Annual General Meeting of shareholder for Director Candidate Proposal Form
Propose the Agenda
Criteria for Minority Shareholders to Propose the Agenda at the Annual General Meeting 2024
Proposal Agenda for 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholder Form
Submission Enquire in Advance
Criteria for Submission Enquire in Advance for the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholder
Submission Enquiries in Advance for 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholder Form