Sustainable Management in The Societal Aspect

The Company operates its business with due regard to social values. The Company is committed to develop its business for sustainable growth, by offering quality products, being honest in its profession, and being responsible for the development of society at large through the following societal policy and guidelines.

The Company considers employees to be the most valuable resources and is a key factor to the success of the Company. As such, the Company is committed to develop and foster a good corporate culture and working environment in addition to promoting teamwork, love, and unity within the Company. The Company has taken steps to ensure that the employee can grow with the Company in sustainable manner.


The Company follows guidelines in employee recruitment and hiring by considering the qualifications suitable to the job position without discrimination on the basis of diversity of the individual such as gender, nationality, religious, or political beliefs. The recruitment and selection process are fair and equal. Consideration is given to knowledge, capabilities, work experience, and attitude suitable to each job position.

In 2023, the Company hired 574 employees, whereby 221 are male and 353 are female. It also hired 4 persons with disabilities, accounting for 0.70 percent. The diversity can be summarized as follows

By Gender
By Level
By Age
Proportion of employee Amount (persons) Percent
By gender
Male 221 39.0
Female 353 61.0
By level
High level management 6 1.0
Mid-level management 55 9.6
Manager and up 246 42.9
Operational 223 38.9
Contract-based 44 7.7
By age
46 years and above 81 14.1
31 - 45 years 365 63.6
Lower than 30 years 128 22.3

Employee Development

The Company attaches important to continuously developing the skills, capabilities, and potential of employees in all levels in a manner which is appropriate to their positions to meet the business needs and to prepare for business growth. The Company is therefore committed to development personal in all professions and all levels, combing the development of skill, knowledge, and capability, as well as cultivate organizational culture and ethics simultaneously, so as to be in line with the Company Group’s business strategy and operational approach.

In 2023, the Company aimed to develop its human resources and organized, both internal and external, more than 41 training curricula with a target to encourage, educate, develop experience, skills, expertise in respective areas of work (up-skilling and re-skilling). The intention is to create awareness, a new attitude needed for the modern workforce for any level of employment as supportive and in alignment with the strategy of the business, increase career development and employee engagement which results in the unity to succeed as an organization. The methods include:

In the year 2023, the Company has organized a total of 96 training courses for employees as follows:

Employee Trained
405 Persons
Hours Of Training
2,461 hours
Average Training Hours (Hours/Person/Year)
5.47 hours

Remuneration and Welfare Benefits

The Company attaches importance to payment of remuneration in the form of a salary. The salary structure is suitable for the labour market within the same business. The Company determines salary based on potential, responsibilities, and qualifications of each employee for each job position. The Company provides for an annual assessment for salary adjustment and bonuses in accordance with the annual performance assessment of the employee and the performance of the Company. There is a clear assessment system and performance index with respect to all employees so as to be fair.

Moreover, the Company has determined a suitable and fair welfare benefit for all employees in all levels, to take care of both short term and long-term employees as follows.

Accident Insurance and Health Insurance
For all employees in all levels. Employees will be entitled to benefits in accordance with the insurance policy the Company has determined for each job position.
Provident fund
Employees may opt to join the Company’s provident fund after the probation period on a voluntary basis. The Company’s contributions will be in accordance with the employee’s years of service.
Annual health check-up
To promote health and wellbeing of the employees. Employees with at least 1 year of service is eligible for the annual Company-organized health checkup.
Employee uniform
The Company determines a uniform for employees every year on the basis of suitability for each type of work.
Monetary assistance
The Company provides monetary assistance to employees in various cases, namely,
  • For marriage,
  • To show condolences I case a family member of the employee passes away
Employee gift baskets
Employees that are in-patients at the hospital or those who have given birth will receive gift baskets.
Employee birthdays
The Company allows an additional day off for employees on their birthdays. The employee is able to exercise such right within their birth month.
Paternity leave
Make employees whose wives have given birth are entitled to 15 days of paternity leave. The leave must be within 90 days of the day of giving birth. The leave may be in a consecutive or non-consecutive manner.
Leave for marriage
Employees with at least 1 year of service may apply for leave for marriage purposes for not exceeding 5 days with pay.
Leve for funeral
Employees may apply for leave to attend the funeral of their legal parent, spouse, and child for 5 days each without pay.
Employee child tuition assistance
A child of an employee who qualifies as per the Company’s requirements is entitled to scholarship from the Company twice a year, for 5,000 THB each per child. The maximum number of children eligible is 2 children per 1 employee.
Annual party
The Company holds an annual party to foster relations and to allow employees to relax from work.
Fitness center
The Company provides a fitness center for employees to exercise before and after work.

The Welfare Committee in the Workplace

The Company has established a welfare committee by employee vote. The welfare committee represents employees in voicing opinions on welfare and wellbeing policies of the Company.

In 2023, the Company organized an election of the Welfare Committee in the Workplace who represents from the employees on May 11, 2023.

The Welfare Committee in the Workplace has the following scope of authority:

  1. Participate in discussions with the employer to provide welfare and benefits for employees.
  2. Provide consultation and suggestions to the employer in providing welfare and benefits for employees.
  3. Audit, control, and manage welfare and benefits that employer provides to employees.
  4. Give opinions and guidelines for providing welfare and benefits for employees to the Labor Welfare Committee.

Provident funds

The Company set up provident funds for employees to encourage savings habits, build financial security for employees and their families, and provide employee tax benefits. Provident funds operate on a voluntary basis – employees can choose to participate and select investment plans, and the Company will contribute according to each employee’s length of service.

Promotion of Saving and Financial Security Planning for Employees

The Company promotes saving, investment and financial stability for employees to serve as a guideline for long-term financial management by providing training to promote knowledge and understanding of financial management appropriate to their income, age groups and risks that may occur through the following training courses:

  • "Planning for Wealth (Retire Rich)" to promote knowledge, saving planning, efficient allocation of funds and investing for the future for retirement by the young money coach, Chakkraphong Mesaphan, who inspires people to build financial health. There were 97 employees participating in the training and the training satisfaction score was 81.56%.
  • "ASW Debenture Talk" activity to communicate about the investment in the Company's debenture which is one of the investment options for interested employees.

Safety, Occupational Health and The Work Environment

The Company determines a policy on occupational safety, health, and environment, and monitors strict compliance with such policy both in the headquarters and in project offices in coherence with laws relevant to safety. The Company holds activities and communicates through the Company’s various channels, as well as trains employees to create awareness to all employees on the matter.

For what concerns the headquarters, the Company regulates workplace safety, determines a repair plan of the building, office equipment, electricity and lighting system, and fire pump system on an annual basis. The working environment is tidy and clean for good quality of work. Various sports activities are held to promote the health and wellbeing of employees, and employees are trained in safety, fire drills, and fire evacuations.

Regarding construction projects, all projects must comply with the Ministerial Regulation of the Ministry of Labour on the Prescribing of Standard for Administration and Management of Occupational Safety, Health and Environment in Relation to Construction Work, B.E. 2551 (2008), the Ministerial Regulation of the Ministry of Labour on the Prescribing of Standard for Administration and Management of Occupational Safety, Health and Environment in Relation to Construction Work, B.E. 2564 (2021) and other applicable laws by arranging for safety officers (SO) to be stationed in construction project areas to supervise and ensure strict compliance with safety measures.

Safety-related statistics of 2023
Safety Information Unit No. of Employees No. of Contractors Third Party
Occurrence of accident Time 2 none none
Work-related injury Person 2 none none
Leave from work-related injury Day none none none
Persons on leave from work-related injury Person none none none
Work-related deaths Person none none none
Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

The Company has prepared a business continuity plan as a guideline for situations of crisis or emergencies whether caused by natural disasters, accidents, or malicious actions against the Company Group without allowing such crisis or emergency situations to result in the Company Group having to stop its operations or to not be able to provide continuous services.

The business continuity plan of the Company is used to address situations of crisis or accidents in the Company’s office area or within the Company group as can be summarized below.

Event of Crisis Buildings/Main Work Location Important Materials and Equipment Information Technology and Important Information Main Personnel Business Partners/ Service Providers/Interested Persons

In addition, the Company prepared a Business Continuity Management Procedure for Information Technology) to respond to situations during crisis that may occur to the Company's information technology to maintain information and related systems and ensure they continue to work properly as well as ensuring recovery process that are correct and appropriate.

Employee engagement

For employee engagement in 2023, the Company participated in an employee engagement survey with a consulting company by conducting a survey on engagement of employees with the organization based on the concept of the Employee Experience Model that affects the behaviors that employees show when they are committed to the organization. These behaviors will help drive business results in many dimensions whether it is personnel management, operations within the organization, customer focus and organizational performance The employee engagement survey was undertaken based on the following questions:

How do employees mention positively about the organization, collaboration, their potential and customer responses?
How do employees want to be part of the organization?
How motivated and committed are employees to dedicate themselves to the organization's success?

Regarding the organization’s engagement survey, 95% of the total number of employees participated in the survey and the result of the engagement survey shows the level of organization engagement of 60%, which was rated at a good level when benchmarked with real estate business group.

The Company Group aims to create and develop real estate projects to deliver products and services that are diverse and suitable for customers to the greatest extent possible. The Company believes that customers are key in our creation and development of good residences which are able to fulfill all the needs of the residents, under the slogan "YOUR BEST CHOICE - Delivering the best residents to customers in various aspects as follows.

projects in Prime locations:
Easy to travel, near transportation hubs and surrounded by conveniences including basic utilities.
Happy living experience:
with continuous customer care and after-sales services.
Unique design for every project:
Many types of rooms that understand the lives of residents with beautiful designs and decorations as well as cutting-edge living technology focusing on comfort and safety in living.
Common areas supporting everyone's lifestyles:
Allocation of large and diverse common areas completed with various amenities to meet the living and lifestyle needs of residents.

Product and service development

The Group understands the needs of residents and thus develops every project under the concept “We Build Happiness” throughout the years. This makes the Company one of the developers of real estate projects with a reputation for designing and creating facilities that truly meet the needs of residents and delivering happiness. This is proven based on the responses of those who live in the project. The Group adheres to 5 core principles in designing and creating common areas to meet the living needs in every dimension of people of all ages.


Provide common areas within high-rise condominium projects such as lobby, common garden, freeform swimming pool, Olympics-sized swimming pool, co-kitchen (unit kitchens may be compact, residents can host parties with full amenities in this area) karaoke room, private theater, gym studio, sauna, and jacuzzi room. For low-rise, there are large common spaces for family residents to do activities together, exercise in a large park, full-option amenities, and EV charger stations to prepare for electric cars to prepare for a variety of residences.


Areas provided for residents who are working from home and university students. The spaces are designed for work that requires creativity, quiet zones to do homework by oneself, or areas where conversations take place to exchange ideas. The areas are separated into zones such as co-working spaces decorated with a variety of styles to keep spaces afresh, co-living & lounge, double volume co-working space for those working from home, and meeting room for online meetings.


The Company cares about residents’ health and provides a “Health Station” to elevate the residential space with carefully chosen materials, trained staff, and hosted activities for residents. The Company developed a platform to offer virtual hospital to residents, with top-tier hospital partnerships and basic health care tools such as “Tytocare” – an innovative basic diagnostic tool that doctors use for real-time online diagnosis to reduce travel and close contact, Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator, Automated External Defibrillator (AED), and blood pressure monitor.


Areas designed with different functions such as Bluetooth sound system for relaxing stereo entertainment, LED lighting motion sensor under the beds help turn off lights when not in use while maintaining convenience and safety at night. New facilities to cater to residents’ activities at the Campus Condo such as Kave, includes an esports room, Virtual Reality (VR) room, theater room, and online applications for fast and convenient residents’ service.


The majority of the Company’s distinct residential projects are in university areas. Hence, the Company caters a variety of needs of the student residents to work and study online, by themselves or with others. With understanding of their lifestyles, the project provides different learning spaces such as reading corner, workshop room, study area, library, etc.

Business innovation

WisePark: The Next Urban Community for All Gens

Wisepark Project: The Next Urban Community for All Gens is considered the first mixed-use project of the Group, located on an area of over 33 rai, it is a new, modern, fully integrated mixed-use project consisting of Mingle Mall, a community mall that meets living needs and lifestyles, Atmoz Flow Minburi, a resort-style condominium, and Wisepark Pavillion Linear Garden with more than 12 rai of green space in the project. This allows residents to be able to live in harmony with the environment in a sustainable manner to offer the perfect lifestyle to customers.

The Group recognizes the importance of project design to be consistent with changes in lifestyles. The project was developed under the innovative concept of "WISECOLOGY to answer the needs of perfect living, today and in the future" with the goal of being a city of good health by creating an environment that is pleasant, safe, friendly and sustainable. This can be achieved by bringing technology, lifestyles and the environment together to build on and improve the quality of living and support living with good quality. We pay attention to details in terms of safety, modernity, hygiene, and sustainable living for residents of all genders, ages, generations, as well as surrounding communities under 3 main concepts as follows:

Smart living “creating a convenient and safe society”

with easy transportation, amenities for future lifestyles, and technology to aid safety:

Transportations Center connects every journey to a convenient future with a location in the high-potential area of Minburi that is conveniently linked to the city center and the outer city as well as being in close proximity with metro stations.

  • Convenience Lifestyle is offered through a variety of facilities that match every lifestyle surrounded by shopping centers, educational institutions, fresh markets, flea markets, department stores, hospitals, along with "Mingle Mall" located in front of the project which is a community mall designed under the concept of "Definition of the Relaxing" offering many shops, restaurants and amenities in a green and shady atmosphere suitable for living a complete life in one place.
  • Security Intelligence showcases innovative technology with a 5-layered security system from entering the project all the way to the residential area while the use of common areas is controlled with a key card system that can assure the perfect quality of living.
Sustainable Life “Think for All Generations Today and Tomorrow”

design spaces for all generations with “All Gens Series'' under “Multi-dimension for Multi-lifestyle” concept with functions such as Extensive Space, Adaptive Design, and Flexible Lifestyle. Additional functions are included for a healthy lifestyle such as Ensured Safety and Health, AssetWise Health Station for everyday health checkup, Application for Health by company’s medical partners, Telemedicine to connect with doctors 24/7, and DoCare by SCG – a technology that keeps residents safe and healthy to match modern lifestyles.

“Think for the World”:

in addition to expanding green spaces within the project so that residents can live sustainably, the Company under the Growgreen concept to build community that promotes the quality of living residentially, environmentally, and socially using the following 5 core concepts:Green Space: การออกแบบและสร้างพื้นที่สีเขียวที่เป็นมิตรกับสิ่งแวดล้อม

  • Green Space: Eco-friendly green space design and construction
  • Energy Efficiency: Design for efficient building’s energy consumption
  • Waste Management: Make waste management more efficient
  • Water Saving: Efficient use of water
  • Clean Air: AssetWise cares about clean air, so we choose construction materials that reduce the amount of pollution in the air
Well Aesthetic & Wellness Center

The Group strengthens our position as a developer of real estate projects that support every lifestyle with the launch of "Well Aesthetic & Wellness Center", an innovation center for integrated health and beauty, on a prime location of Ratchadaphisek-Lat Phrao, which is a new business district of Bangkok. For this center, people can travel comfortably whether by private cars or MRT under the concept of "Wellbeing" to raise the bar of healthcare by highlighting the one-on-one service using a full offering of modern tools along with a variety of services responding to the lifestyle needs of health and beauty enthusiasts of every generation.

“Well Aesthetic & Wellness Center” offers rental building space for entrepreneurs who operate in health center and beauty clinic businesses. The fitness stands out as it brings the most modern innovation certified for safety by the Ministry of Public Health of Thailand as well as meeting international standards. Additionally, one-on-one service is provided where visitors can also discuss personal health matters with doctors or specialists. Therefore, customers can be assured that they will receive safe and worry-free services. The center consists of a health center and other up to 7 leading businesses in health and beauty per following:

  • Care D Center - a health service center without recuperation needs, including One Day Surgery which is a vascular surgery center which requires no overnight stay, Care-D Pharmacy which is a center for medicines and medical supplies, and Sleep Coach Thailand that provides comprehensive sleep solutions.
  • Plearn Skin Clinic – a skin, beauty and laser clinic,
  • Surkin Clinic - a beauty clinic, facial shaping and specialized ophthalmic surgery.
  • BellyBurn Pilates Lab – a Pilates studio by professional coaches.
  • The Standard Aesthetic Clinic – a beauty clinic with the concept of “The Standard Clinic Beyond Standard”.
  • Aestheta Wellness and Aesthetic Center - an anti-aging medicine center for restoring health and beauty for all ages.
  • Bangkok New Smile Dental Clinic, a comprehensive cosmetic dental clinic.

As for the “Well Aesthetic & Wellness Center” building area, it is a 4-story building designed under the concept of “Moving Forword for Wellbeing,” emphasizing lines and patterns with movements, reflecting the steadiness of modern medical technology and innovation while showing gentleness and softness which reflect friendliness and the offering of services that understand customer needs.

Customer relationship building

AssetWise Club

AssetWise Club offers more than just living experiences to members under the concept “Extra Ordinary Day” with the motto “Ordinary day....extraordinary” that every moment is a memorable story through many activities and privileges. Let every day be a good day.

  • First to receive special privileges such as special movie screenings, etc.
  • More special from collaborations with leading brands to organize diverse activities and offer multiple privileges.
  • New experiences with special activities such as difficult-to-reserve restaurants with Michelin stars.
  • Special discounts for travel services that offer a special experience for members.
  • Privilege management system that meets lifestyle needs with a variety of privileges, facilitating members by connecting via Line OA while data can be used for analytics for the customized designs of products and services that suit your needs.
Dine at a famous restaurant with a top chef.
Watch special movie screenings, press screenings and the first Saturday.
Exclusive travel with KOL famous
x-treme activities for someone like challenges.
Ticket to famous concerts.
Football or sport tickets, special seats.
AssetWise Privilege

The Company continuously delivers good living experiences to project residents under the concept of “The Ultimate Living Experience Privilege” in collaboration with partners in various groups by offering special privileges to residents ranging from health, food, housing, tourism and other services in a comprehensive way

Channel for customers to provide opinions, report complaints, or make suggestions

The Company provides the opportunity for customers to express their opinions, report a complaint, or make recommendations to the Company whereby the Company will analyze the comments or recommendations to develop and improve products and services to achieve maximum customer satisfaction.

After receiving complaints from customers, the Company has established the following procedures to address the complaints.

  • The unit which received the complaint coordinated with relevant parties to contact customers.
  • Follow up on the conclusion of complaint resolution from related parties after receiving complaints for the purpose of recording and following-up on the results of complaint resolution in accordance with the respective remedial plan.
  • After resolution of the complaint, the unit that notified the evidence of correction to the unit which received the initial complaint to close the complaint in accordance with the period confirmed with the complainant.
  • Incorporate the complaints into a Q&A to communicate in the event such incident arises again in the future.
Customer Satisfaction Survey

In 2023, the Company conducted a customer satisfaction survey on the overall picture of projects under the Company’s group. The order of customer satisfaction inquiries was determined as follows:

Site Visit Contract Transfer Living
  • Location
  • Project design
  • Product presentation by sales officers
  • Employee services
  • Maid services
  • Services of security officers
  • Would you recommend this project to someone you know
  • Services from employees
  • Materials and construction quality
  • Would you recommend this project to someone you know
  • Satisfaction with living quality
  • Satisfaction with repair services.

The Company has set customer satisfaction as one of the indicators at the organizational level. In 2023, details of customer satisfaction results are as follows:

Customer Satisfaction Area Target Customer Satisfaction Result
Satisfaction with Products
Satisfaction with location 85% 97%
Satisfaction with design 85% 95%
Satisfaction with material quality 90% 86%
Satisfaction with construction quality 85% 82%
Satisfaction with Services
Satisfaction with services related to sales 85% 99%
Satisfaction with services related to ownership transfer 95% 94%
Satisfaction with after-sales services 85% 73%
Satisfaction with after-sales services of the juristic office 85% 79%
Net Promoter Score
Net Promoter Score (NPS) (customers who turned residents) 17% 72.19%
Net Promoter Score (NPS) (prospects who visited projects) 17% 72.19%
Suppliers are one of the Company’s stakeholders – main contractors, subcontractors, and trading partners, all working together to support each other and deliver the best products and services to customers. The Company and its suppliers work to improve the quality, troubleshoot issues, and grow together in the long-term. Channels are also provided for the Company suppliers to voice their opinions or file complaints to continuously improve the Company and their work together as suppliers.

Capability Development for Suppliers / Contractors

Contractors are considered important partners for the Company in the work process along the value chain of the Group. The Company and its suppliers operate construction projects according to standards in its quality of construction, length of time, progress, issues and troubleshooting, safety, hygiene, good working environment, knowledge exchange, talents, and innovation relating to the Company’s construction projects.

  • Participate in inspecting constructions according to construction standards of the Company to jointly plan work, create mutual understanding and find ways to develop construction work properly together including summarizing problems that occurred during construction and finding solutions.
  • Provide training to educate contractors on construction processes and standards in terms of structural work, building service system, electrical system work, sanitary system, etc., in order to develop professional skills for contractors so that they are able to work according to the requirements and standards of the Company.

Improvement of the Quality of Lie of Workers in Construction Projects

We manage projects that focus on offering workers a good quality of life and happiness at work with regard to public utility systems, cleanliness, and safety, etc., as well as taking care of workers' dependents (if any), such as encouraging their children enter the education system or creating a safe space for children while their parents work on the projects. AssetWise has joined with the Baan Dek Foundation under collaboration with UNICEF to provide advice and knowledge to construction companies that are AssetWise's partners to achieve the goals of labor sustainability to reduce labor shortages in the long term, which positively impact their work skills and expertise.

The Company and the Baan Dek Foundation jointly signed a contract to commit to improving the quality of life of workers to attain a decent quality of life living in a quality environment. “Workforce Quality of Life Development Project (BSI)” was initiated with the purpose to apply knowledge in practice to achieve labor sustainability as we recognize that labor is the human capital that is the heart of the construction industry.

Roles in the project operations
  • Baan Dek Foundation: Provides advice on operations.
  • AssetWise Public Company Limited: Supports partners and coordinates with workers to have a good quality of life.
  • Contractor companies: Manage the construction camps to meet standards.

Note that there were contractors ready to join the project from 2 companies out of 4 companies that participated in the hearing of the project. Baan Dek Foundation posted suggestions and provided training for those involved on site to ensure that they understand the tools used to carry out the project to meet standards. The project commenced in the 2nd quarter of 2023

Support for the Quality of Life for Contractors’ Workers

The Group cares for workers of contractors at the Company's construction projects through the deliveries of consumer goods to them to take care of workers and offer them happiness as we believe that labor is one of the most important drivers in the development of housing projects. Therefore, we adhere to our principle of taking care of and give happiness to workers to ensure their good quality of life while they help us building homes and delivering quality and happiness to our residents. We are ready to stand by everyone in every situation.

Development of Procurement

The Company provides opportunities for those who are interested in becoming a business partner of the Company to register as a new business partner of the Company on the channel

The Company will provide a fair vendor selection process for procurement work according to the Company's procurement regulations. The Company also acquires and develops innovation together with our partners for innovative materials in construction as well as ensuring environmentally friendly procurement. Besides, the Company conducts supplier assessments and communicate the results to our suppliers for further improvements in the quality of work.

Furthermore, the Company has continued discussions to build good relationships with suppliers on important issues such as setting average prices, material delivery, work allocation, performance evaluation results and issues at work in order to enhance efficiency of procurement. The Company will use the results from discussions to further develop the Company's procurement processes.

The Company Group conducts business under principles of responsibility to society and communities. It supports projects or activities that benefits the community and society along with the following business operations.
Taking care of communities surrounding the Company’s projects

Prior to the development of every project, the Company Group has taken account in the impact to the nearby communities by following the guidelines in the EIA report, from analyzing the impact caused by construction to the nearby community by conducting a survey to gather opinions and needs of the community, planning to prevent the potential impact that may occur from the community, setting guidelines in remedying the damage caused to the community, in addition to improving and promoting the nearby community’s quality of life.

In 2023, the Company Group did not receive complaints from the community regarding societal and environmental impacts caused by project construction.

Development of the Quality of Life of Communities around the Projects

The Quality of Life of Communities

The Company attaches important to continuously developing the skills, capabilities, and potential of employees in all levels in a manner which is appropriate to their positions to meet the business needs and to prepare for business growth. The Company is therefore committed to development personal in all professions and all levels, combing the development of skill, knowledge, and capability, as well as cultivate organizational culture and ethics simultaneously, so as to be in line with the Company Group’s business strategy and operational approach.

In 2022, the Company aimed to develop its human resources and organized, both internal and external, more than 60 training curricula with a target to encourage, educate, develop experience, skills, expertise in respective areas of work (up-skilling and re-skilling). The intention is to create awareness, a new attitude needed for the modern workforce for any level of employment as supportive and in alignment with the strategy of the business, increase career development and employee engagement which results in the unity to succeed as an organization. The methods include:

Community Economy

Managing garbage problems will therefore alleviate flooding problems caused by garbage clogging water pipes in the long term. The Group went on ground to share knowledge about waste separation to people in the community. At the same time, we helped develop community leaders to acquire waste sorting skills so that they can become volunteers for waste management at AssetWise's various events which also helps generate income for the community. There are currently 13 skilled community volunteers who are able to earn additional income through this initiative. Additionally, career support was also provided thanks to the sales offices as they ordered snacks made by people in the community to welcome customers interested in the projects, etc.

Supporting shops around the head office and around the projects

The Group has an intention to improve the quality of life of the communities surrounding the projects. Therefore, we have developed the tool Line Official: ESG Shop with the objective to boost revenue for shops in the surrounding areas. When AssetWise begins to develop projects, the quality of life and livelihoods of the surrounding areas of the projects must be taken care of and the community economies must be propelled. We started with shops/stores near the head office and around Atmoz Oasis Onnut by inviting a total of 23 shops to join as members. Line Official : ESG Shop is linked with Line Official : Punn and Line Official : GrowGreen, where members from both Line accounts can use services from those participating shops.

Being involved in community and societal development

In 2023, the Company Group organized the following projects or activities to assist and develop the community and society.

Program to record social activities

The Company developed a program through Line Official called “PunnSook” to record good deeds and participation in social activities. Through this program, the Company offers points and certificates as rewards to promote satisfaction for participants in social activities such as blood donation, etc

“One Drop of Blood Extending the Lives of Fellow Human Beings.”

The Company partnered with Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital to offer blood donation points through “A Drop of Blood for a Friend’s Life” campaign and invites its employees, suppliers, residents in the area near the headquarters, and the public to donate blood. In 2023, the Company hosted 4 events that attracted 563 participants and collected a total amount of 202,050 cc of donated blood.

in addition to setting up a blood donation point at the head office, the Company extended the scope by further accepting blood donation at Mingle Mall. The Company also supports the use of Line OA: @PunnbyAssetWise which is a tool for recording blood donation activities of students of Samutprakan Technical College. Blood donators will receive coins to exchange for coupons to buy meals or school supplies at the cooperative shops at their college.

Project to provide cold water dispensers

The Group recognizes the importance of water which is vital to basic human consumption. In 2023, we provided cold drinking water dispensers for those who use public parks in Bangkok. This helps promote exercise as well as reducing the use of packaging. Seven dispensers were donated to different parks including Ramintra Sports Park. Watcharaphirom Park. Wachirabenjathat Park, Sirindhara Flora Park, Serithai Park, Rommanee Thung Si Kan Park and Nawamin Phirom Park. By reducing the use of packaging (PET bottles with 600ml size) of up to 121,301.33 bottles, we helped cut down CO2 emissions by up to 151,62.67 kg.CO2 or equivalent to planting 1,685 trees.

Pankan Shop X AssetWise Project

The Group places highest value on the society and the environment and that is the reason we joined forces with Pankan Shop by the Yuvabadhana Foundation to accept donations of items in good condition to be sold to fund scholarships for youth across the country. Besides the scholarships, this project also helps reduce waste from clothing as these sharing activities were organized at the head office every 6 months and opened “Pankan Shop” at Mingle Mall shopping center in October 2022 until today. During 2023, total sales topped 1,718,177 baht which can be converted into 245 scholarships. This collaboration was also further extended to 11 condominium projects under AssetWise.

"Pun Namjai Suu Sangkom” (Sharing Kindness to Society) Project

The Group has been supporting the society through "Share Kindness to Society" project with the following details.

Supported the activity "Nam Sai Jai Bamphen" of Nature and Natural Resources, Conservation Club, Kasetsart University to raise awareness of contributing to the public areas by collecting garbage and dredging canals in Kasetsart University.

Donated drinking water and drinking water refill dispensers for the Saturday School Foundation for organizing the activity “#BIGDAY2023 : Saturday School GO UP! Reaching New Height in Learning” to break learning records and open the door to the whole wide world which helps reduce plastic waste and build awareness among event participants in preserving the environment.

Shared knowledge on waste separation / sorting for the scout camp activity “Day Camp” for students of Samutprakan Technical College. Knowledge about problems and impacts of waste on environment, society and economy was shared during the project.