Managing The Impact Towards Interested Persons

Business Value Chain
The Company identifies the business value chain to ensure effectiveness in all procedures of key operations of the Company, which leads to sustainable development of the Company.
- Procurement of potential land
- Conduct a feasibility study on project development
Relevant Interested Persons
- Employees
- Business partners (landowners)
- The community
- Transparent land procurement procedure
Relevant Interested Persons
- Employees
- Business partners (landowners)
- Creditors (Financial institutions)
- Planning and designing of project area which takes into consideration ofthe environment
- Building designs comply with laws and meets the needs of customers
- Design of facilities in the projects to be diverse
- Selection of construction materials with standardized quality
Relevant Interested Persons
- Employees
- Business partners
- The environment
- The community / society
- Locating financial source from financial institutions
- Determining fair terms and conditions of loan agreements
Relevant Interested Persons
- Employees
- Creditors
- Transparent procedure in selecting service provider
- Providing equal opportunity for all service providers
- Procurement of environmentally0friendly materials
- Fair assessment of service providers
Relevant Interested Persons
- Employees
- Business partners
- Providing clear and accurate advertising information
- Keeping confidential customer information
- Conducting customer satisfaction survey
- Holding promotional and sales events for customers
- Determining fair terms and conditions for sales and purchase agreements
Relevant Interested Persons
- Employees
- Customers
- Business partners
- Financial institutions
- Construction according to plan and agreement with customers
- Control and inspection of construction works to be per standards
- Monitor environmental impact of construction on nearby communities
- Monitor occupational safety and health with respect to construction projects
- Taking care of construction labour
Relevant Interested Persons
- Employees
- Business partners
- The community / Society
- The environment
- Inspect the quality of construction works to be in accordance with plans and agreements with customers
- Inspection of units before delivery to customers
- Inspection of the project’s common area and facilities
- Reworking the construction work to be complete
Relevant Interested Persons
- Employees
- Business partners
- Customers
- Facilitate customers application for loans
- Deliver completed units as agreed with customers
- Facilitate ownership transfer to customers
- Procedures for inspection and acceptance of units and rework for completeness
Relevant Interested Persons
- Employees
- Customers
- Management of condominium juristic persons
- Customer complaint procedures
- Customer satisfaction survey
- Organizing events for customers
- AssetWise Club
Relevant Interested Persons
- Employees
- Customers
Analysis of Interested Persons In The Business Value Chain
The Company categorizes interested persons into internal interested persons and external interested persons, to ensure that all procedures in the business value chain are covered. The following is the Company’s guidelines for meeting the expectations and participation of interested persons.
Expectation of Interested Person
- Fair and proportionate remuneration and welfare benefits
- Skill and knowledge development
- Professional stability and advancement
- Fair and equal treatment in accordance with human rights principles
- Occupational health and safety and a good working environment
- Equal access to news, communications, and policies of the organization
Communication Channel
- ASW Intranet
- Website:
- Line: Assetwise Family
- Facebook: AssetWise Careers
- Annual internal training for employees
- New employee training
Response of The Company
- Remuneration and welfare benefits which is proportionate to the work of each employee
- Annual employee training and development plan
- Various activities to strengthen body of knowledge and happiness in working
- Business ethics
- Channels and procedures for raising complaints, voicing opinions, and whistleblowing.
- Annual survey of employee satisfaction
Expectation of Interested Person
- Continuous growth in performance
- Growth in asset value
- Dividend payment
- Transparent disclosure of information
- Equal treatment of shareholders
- Channels for voicing opinions and communicating
Communication Channel
- Website:
- Shareholder meeting
- Meeting with analysts and investors
- Facebook: AssetWise
- Annual report (56-1 One Report Form)
Response of The Company
- Transparency in its operation under Good Governance principles
- Divined payment policy
- Corporate governance policy
- Complete and transparent disclosure of business and financial information
- Providing equal rights and opportunities to shareholders
- Investor relations and Company newsletter subscription channels
Expectation of Interested Person
- Quality products and services
- Fair and appropriate product price
- Delivery of products in accordance with agreements
- After sales services
- Providing complete and accurate advertising information
- Keeping confidential personal data of customers
- Channels for voicing opinions and complaints
Communication Channel
- Website:
- Facebook: Assetwise
- Facebook: AssetWise Club
- Instagram: AssetWise Thailand
- Youtube: AssetWise Channel
- Call Center
- App: AssetWise
- Customer relation activities
Response of The Company
- Determining agreement terms and conditions which are fair and in accordance with the law
- Providing complete, accurate advertising information in compliance with the law
- Conducting quality control prior to delivery
- Training sales and customer relations employees
- Continuous design and development of products
- Providing financial advice to customers before they decide to make a reservation
- Organizing events for customers
- AssetWise Club with various benefits for customers
- System for notification of repairs and receipt of complaints
- After sales service procedures
- Customer satisfaction survey
- Data security system for customers’ personal data in compliance with personal data protection law
Expectation of Interested Person
- Fair agreement terms and conditions
- Complete observance of agreed terms and conditions
- Complete and timely payment of debts
Communication Channel
- Website:
- Facebook: AssetWise
- Call Center
- Customer satisfaction survey
Response of The Company
- Determining fair agreement terms and conditions
- Strict compliance with terms and conditions of debt repayment
- Procedure to ensure dept repayment is correct and timely
Expectation of Interested Person
- Equal opportunities for all business partners
- Fair process for the selection of business partners
- Fair agreements
- Appropriate and equal compensation
- Respect for the human rights of business partners
- Communication channel
Communication Channel
- Website:
- Call Center
- Meetings with business partners
Response of The Company
- Determining a fair criteria and procedure for the selection of business partners
- Establishing a procurement committee
- Determining fair agreement terms and conditions with and compensation to business partners
- Knowledge development and sharing with business partners
- Effectuation an evaluation of business partners
Expectation of Interested Person
- Protection of environmental impacts to the environment from project construction
- Construction work safety
- Joint development of surrounding communities
Communication Channel
- Website:
- Call Center
- Facebook: AssetWise
- Facebook: Punn by AssetWise
- Activities to develop and assist nearby communities
Response of The Company
- Prepare an Environmental Impact Assessment report.
- Monitor safety of project construction in accordance with the law
- Organizing joint activities which develop and assist nearby communities
- The Grow Green project
- Providing a channel through which complaints can be filed
Expectation of Interested Person
- Fair competition
Communication Channel
- Website:
- Facebook: AssetWise
- Call Center
Response of The Company
- Uphold fair competition and refrain from taking unfair advantage of business competitors