Environmental Policy and Practice

The Company operates its business taking the environment into consideration in every process of the business value chain. This is to ensure that the Company contributes to the mitigation of environmental impacts, and is able to strike a balance between business operation and the environment.

Grow Green Project

The Company has established an environmental policy and guidelines through its Grow Green project in which the Company has resolved that

“Because we believe everyone’s actions affect the world, ASW will continue to operate our business to better the lives and the world simultaneously.”
Green Space: Giving importance to green space within the project
Energy Efficiency: Efficient energy use design
Waste Management: Sustainable waste management
Clean Air: Pay attention to having clean air
Water Management: Maximize benefits from water usage

Energy management within the Group’construction projects:

Energy management in completed construction projects

1. Electrical system installment

The Company conducted installations of electrical systems for projects in the normal electrical systems are to supply electricity to the condominium units and common areas of the projects while the Light Emitting Dode (LED) bulbs are used in the light systems to save electricity within the projects. In this regard, inspections of the operation of the electrical systems are arranged on a monthly basis including the maintenance of the electrical systems and electrical equipment in the projects. In case that any damage is found, corrective actions will be taken immediately

2. Energy preservation

Energy conservation within the project - the Company has designed the buildings in accordance with the requirements of the Ministerial Regulation Prescribing Type or Size of Building and Standard, Criteria and Procedure in Designing Building for Energy Conservation B.E. 2563 (2020) and in accordance with the Notification of the Ministry of Energy on Determination of Building Design Standards for Energy Conservation B.E. 2564 (2021) as follows:

  1. Overall Transfer Value (OTTV) which must meet the criteria for considering the overall energy use of the building according to the Ministerial Regulation Prescribing Type or Size of Building and Standard, Criteria and Procedure in Designing Building for Energy Conservation B.E. 2563 (2020).
  2. Roof Thermal Transfer Value (RTTV) from the calculation of the total heat transfer value of the building roof.
  3. Use of electrical lighting within buildings of usable area per building.
  4. Total energy value considering the design of the building, the overall energy use of the building. The total energy value of each building is lower than the total energy value of the reference building.
Note that the projects have specified energy conservation measures within each project which can be classified into 2 parts as follows:
  1. The project design to be in accordance with the Ministerial Regulation Prescribing Type or Size of Building and Standard, Criteria and Procedure in Designing Building for Energy Conservation B.E. 2563 (2020) and in accordance with the Notification of the Ministry of Energy on Determination of Building Design Standards for Energy Conservation B.E. 2564 (2021).
  2. The project design to take into account energy saving such as

    - Setting of proper positions of the light bulbs without having a larger number than necessary but not so too less with inadequate lighting.

    - Installations of energy-saving Light Emitting Diode (LED) bulbs to save energy and reduce the expense burdens on residents.

    - Setting of a timer for elevator doors to close automatically after 10 seconds which will reduce the need to use electrical energy to drive the motor to open and close the door.

  3. Public relations for residents in the project to clean air conditioners regularly along with offering contact numbers of technicians to repair/clean air conditioners to accommodate residents within the project.
  4. Public relations for residents in the project to set the air conditioning temperature appropriately, approximately 25 - 26 degrees of Celsius.
  5. Arrange staff to clean lights and lamps at least every 6 months.

The Company developed an electrical energy conservation manual to distribute to every residential unit to encourage residents to follow energy conservation measures and put up PR boards to ensure the compliance with the energy conservation manual.

Furthermore, energy-efficiency certification, maintenance of electrical systems, air ventilation in common areas, and machines are regularly arranged.

3. Solar rooftop installation to promote the use of clean energy

The Group puts emphasis on the use of clean and renewable energy and began its solar rooftop installation in the following projects:

  • Mingle Mall Kave TU – 724 square meters of solar rooftop

    Generating Approximately

    150 kilowatts of solar energy
  • Kave TU – 864 square meters of solar rooftop

    Generating Approximately

    178 kilowatts of solar energy
  • Kave Town Shift – 969 square meters of solar rooftop

    Generating Approximately

    150 kilowatts of solar energy

In addition, lighting powered by solar cells has been installed in the walkways and gardens of the common areas of the project, substituting the use of electrical energy. The reason is that solar cells have a longer lifespan than electric bulbs and can help reduce electricity costs and costs of installing various electrical wiring systems including maintenance of electrical wires Besides, the system offers more convenience as it can be turned on and off automatically which helps reduce the risk of accidents from electrical short circuits or other dangers caused by electricity use.

4. Promote the use of electric cars and the use of clean energy

The group of companies cooperates with "Haupcar", a car sharing service provider and electric car rental service for clean energy to introduce electric car and electric scooter rental service points including electric vehicle charging stations through the HAUP application on smartphone 24 hours a day. The service is offered to customers in the Kave Town Space and the Mingle Mall as an alternative to using a car, responding to the new normal of travelling as well as being eco-friendly.

Moreover, the Company installed electric vehicle charging stations (EV Stations) for the convenience of electric vehicle users living in the Company's projects which helps promote the use of electrical energy, which is considered clean energy, replacing the use of fuel energy which causes problems to the environment. The Company aims to install EV stations in all of its projects starting from 2023.

Energy management at the headquarters

1. Reduction of electrical energy consumption

Energy-saving campaigns at the headquarter include internal communications to promote eco-conscience for its employees, control of lighting and air-conditioning based on timing and necessity in certain areas, LED bulbs replacement throughout the offices, installation and maintenance of electrical systems to ensure its maximum energy-saving efficiency.

In addition, 153.9 square meters of solar rooftop systems were installed, generating approximately 32 kilowatts of solar energy to be used at the headquarters instead of the usual energy consumption.

2. Reduction of fuel energy use

Promoting the use of clean energy: EV Stations

The Company installed EV stations at the head office to offer more convenience for employees with electric cars and promote the use of clean and environmentally-friendly energy. EV stations were installed at 2 locations for employees and they can use the electric charging through an application that can be downloaded on both Google Play and the App Store.

  • Location 1: "EV Station" application can be connected while the electric charging fees will be displayed on the application screen.
  • Location 2: Juice box EV charger can be connected to the "One Charge" application without any electric charging fees.

Carpool: Same Way, Same Car

The GrowGreen policy is based on the environmental principle of AssetWise that we adhere to as a practical guideline in every aspect of the Company. Carpool was launched as an initiative for car sharing to reduce overall energy use. In addition, it is offered as a benefit for employees to cut down their travel expenses as the head office is located in an alley, employees can use the shuttle service provided by the Company in the morning for employees who use public transportation. Moreover, a GPS tracking application is used to track the shuttle bus to accommodate employees by informing real-time locations of the shuttle bus.

This initiative has been in operation since 2021 and has set targets to reduce overall energy consumption, gasoline and greenhouse gas emissions. The target is to reduce the overall use of gasoline by 100 liter per year. In 2023, there was only 1 service route, which is from the PTT gas station before Soi Phahon Yothin 48 (Soi Sai Yut) to the destination of AssetWise office (round-trip distance of 4.9 km)

In 2023, there were 7 actual users per day on average. For a period of 12 months, the total distance traveled by the shuttle was 1,528.8 km, using a total of 138.98 liters of gasoline, equivalent to greenhouse gas emissions rate of 3,430.34 kg.CO2e.

Gasoline for carpool passengers in the case of not using the carpool totaled 5,350.8 km or a total of 486.43 liters of gasoline would be used (calculated in the case of taking a taxi). Greenhouse gas emissions rate is 11,971.20 kg.CO2e.

Therefore, the Carpool: Same Way, Same Car initiative can reduce gasoline consumption by 347.45.8 liters and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 8,540.86 kg.CO2e.

Water management in the Group’ construction projects:

Water management in completed construction projects

The Group manages water for all projects with an emphasis on treating wastewater generated from water use within each project, which must be maintained to have a BOD value as required by law before being released outside the project. In each project, a wastewater treatment system provided to treat wastewater from the use within the project must be adequate for the amount of wastewater generated. In this regard, skilled personnel have been arranged to maintain and control the project's wastewater treatment system to ensure continuous and efficient operations. Furthermore, maintenance plan must be in place with an arrangement for the pumping of sewage and grease from the wastewater treatment pond on a monthly basis. The wastewater treatment pond must be regularly inspected to ensure that the wastewater treatment system can be operated throughout the project period while supporting measures must be issued in the event that the wastewater treatment pond fails to operate properly. Additionally, the Company provided a wastewater treatment system that is disinfected with ozone in case of pandemic while treated wastewater is reused for watering plants within the project.

Water management at the headquarters

The Company manages water usage at its headquarters by monitoring water consumption, using water-saving sanitary wares, and continuously testing plumbing systems. Internally, the Company organized water-saving campaigns to encourage eco-friendly mindset for its employees.

Studying the use of air conditioner water for plant watering

AssetWise recognizes the value of the environment and has Grow Green policy that serves as the focus for developing products and services. Increasing more area for greenery while using water more efficiently is a challenge in project design because the expense will increase with more trees. Thus, the aim was to determine how much air conditioner water could be used for plant watering purposes.

Data collection for preliminary research and trials was done in the AssetWise head office. There are several trees in the region. This trial will assist in lowering the quantity of water used in the main office. Acquired knowledge will be useed in the company's many projects.

Test results

A 9000 BTU air conditioner's water volume was measured for one hour, and the results showed that 1,500 cc of water were released per unit of energy. Thus, it can be concluded that up to 12,000 milliliters, or 12 liters, of water from the air conditioner will be available throughout the company’s 8 business hours, sufficient to irrigate the plants in the rope system. (See the outcomes of utilizing water and a rope system.) can save water consumption by up to 69.7%.

Thus, using air conditioner water in a rope irrigation system or other plant-watering systems will further minimize water usage and maximize water efficiency. Watering the plants won't cost anything in the places that make use of this technique. Additionally, the business can improve the design of the air conditioner water use project in the future. Residents will profit from lower costs associated with using less water for trees, and the planet will gain from more effective water use.

According to the Grow Green policy, an optimization project is being carried out to water plants using a rope system, increase green space, decrease pollution, and use less energy.

One of the environmental initiatives "Grow Green" that contributes to the general pleasant and shaded atmosphere is expanding green space. It also lowers several types of pollutants and enhances oxygen. However, increasing the number of trees will also increase costs. To make watering the plants convenient, the watering system's design must be designed appropriately. More workers will be needed to maintain the trees as a result of the increased water requirement. For this reason, AssetWise is interested in creating an watering system with cheap expenses, simple maintenance, and high efficiency. This makes increasing the amount of green space economically possible.

In order to water the plants as effectively as possible while avoiding water loss and having low running costs, AssetWise experimented with a rope watering system. Additionally, it can be applied to indoor and outdoor plants alike. The cost of labor for watering plants can be decreased by using the rope watering system, which can also be used to automatically supply water. Both the financial and the expense aspects will gain from this. In the long term, lowering the costs of the juristic will be made possible by the company and the project's creation of a plant watering system. To lessen water loss from watering trees or the death of trees due to insufficient watering management in the environmental component.

Results of testing water volume data collection in 2023

The data collected from the vegetable garden plots around the head office parking lot, which span 96 meters and contain 66 types of garden vegetables, indicates that the rope watering system can save up to 68.12% on water consumption when compared to traditional watering with a watering can.

Type of watering Water usage (Liter/day) Average (Liter/tree/day)
General watering 242.52 3.67
rope watering system 76.92 1.17

Waste and pollution management from construction projects of the Group:

Construction material management to reduce waste generation from project construction.

The Company places importance on the management of construction materials in its construction process. Starting with the designing that aims to use construction materials in the most cost-effective and efficient manner to reduce the loss of unnecessary materials and equipment that generates trash or waste as well as using materials and equipment that promote waste reduction. Moreover, waste materials are to be recycled or used again while avoiding activities that may generate more garbage or waste

1. Effective arrangement of floor tiles in the project's guest room corridors to reduce waste generation

The Company's construction projects in 2023 implemented a method of laying floor tiles for the walkways in the project to be as efficient as possible while loss of tiles was minimized to help reduce waste from tile scraps from flooring compared to traditional flooring according to the principles of sustainable waste management as well as reducing the amount of waste from the constructions of the Company's projects. The Company plans to provide such a method for laying floor tiles in every project of the Company in the future.

2. Texca Wall Waste Management Technology

The Company gives importance to construction waste management and implemented Texca Wall technology – a readymade, eco-friendly wall and a certified green label product to use for its construction. Texca Wall helps reduce construction waste because its size can be tailor-made from the manufacturer, reducing typical cement waste from 10-20% of traditional way of plastering down to 5%. Additionally, the manufacturer also recycles the waste and uses it to make new Texca Walls.

3. Use of construction materials that promote waste reduction

For walkways in common areas of projects, the Company promotes the use of materials that reduce waste by applying walkway flooring materials or sidewalk blocks from upcycled materials using plastic waste to produce walkway blocks. This is to help reduce the amount of plastic waste and add value to plastic waste as the production process is not complicated and can be done in the community. The Company purchases walkway flooring materials or sidewalk blocks from a community’s recycling factory made from waste from pet food bags to be uses as walkway flooring in the common area of the project. This can help eliminate up to 4.4 kilograms of plastic waste per 1 sidewalk block.

Management of garbage, waste and pollution for completed projects of the group of companies.

1. Pollution management

Regarding dust management for completed projects, the car traffic in the project is properly managed and controlled in order to prevent the spread of dust on the road surface. Cleaning of roads in the project is organized every day throughout the period of operation. In addition, for every residential room and common area such as the main garden hall, juristic office and fitness center, the Company installed air conditioners that have the ability to filter ultra-fine dust particles, or PM 2.5, to prevent small pollutants that can cause health problems to residents as well as using ready-made wooden floors with proper quality for the rooms.

With regard to air pollution management, the project provides a parking building that is open-air with wind blowing through it all the time which allows proper ventilation. Signs prohibiting leaving the engine on while parking were put in the parking area in order to prevent the accumulation of pollutants from the exhaust pipes of cars. In addition, speed control for cars in the project is also in place including providing clear traffic signs in the project to ensure efficient mobility of cars in the project including entrance-exit areas of the project with the objective to reduce pollution caused by the concentration of cars in on the driveways and unnecessary movements.

Furthermore, the Company arranged green areas for each project by planting trees that have properties to filter dust or purify the air in the areas around the project so that such trees help absorb dust in the air and/or carbon dioxide (CO2) generated in the project.

2. Management of garbage and waste Management

For completed construction projects, the Company allocated waste rooms for all residential floors. The waste is separated into general waste, composable waste, recyclable waste, and toxic waste bins for the residents. Each bin is color-coded according to the type of waste and residents are encouraged to sort their waste and recycle plastic or paper bags when possible to reduce waste within the property. The property management then labels each bag according to the type of waste before handing them to the service authority.

Furthermore, the property management regularly maintains the waste bins in good working condition, immediately replaces them when needed, sorts the waste left outside of the bins, and keeps the waste rooms clean. The property management or juristic office shall strictly follow the waste management measures.

Waste management at the headquarters

1. Zero landfill station

This initiative responds to the waste management pillar according to the GrowGreen policy. During 2023, the Company has a common goal for the entire organization to reduce the amount of general waste by 20% compared to the base year. The more we can separate waste, the more we can reduce the amount of general garbage

The steps are as follows:

1. Educate all employees on waste sorting and steps for managing each type of waste to promote proper waste management as a culture of the organization.

2. Set up waste separation areas “Zero Landfill Station” and apply a method for sorting waste with the concept of “Sort, Dump, Overturn”.

  • Sort garbage according to the labels
  • Dump water, ice, food scraps into the prepared buckets/containers.
  • Overturn containers, plates, bowls, glasses onto the prepared shelves.

3. Deliver waste that is sorted to each type of waste management location.

The highlight of the Company’s Zero Landfill Station is the concept of "Sort, Dump, Overturn" that allows employees to easily and efficiently separate waste while sorted waste can be collected and sent off immediately.

Labels in different colors are placed to help separate waste more easily. When trashing garbage, employees can pay attention to the symbols and the background colors of the signs while the background color indicates the type of garbage to be disposed and what can be done with the waste to gain most benefits at the destination per examples below:

Containers with water, ice, or food scraps: Dump the water, ice, or food scraps into the prepared bucket first to prevent putrefaction, wash with a little water to get rid of remaining food scraps or sauces, then overturn the container onto the prepared shelves. Finally, dry items can be collected to be ready for further use

Zero Landfill Station is operated both at the head office and in various events of the Company. For the head office in 2023, 3,960 kilograms of waste was collected, divided into 1,182 kilograms of general waste, 30 kilograms of hazardous waste, 1,886 kilograms of recycled waste, 562 kilograms of energy waste, and 300 kilograms of food scraps, which helped reduce carbon footprint of 259 kgCo2e, equivalent to planting 807 trees. The Company aims to reduce general waste by 20% from the base year. To summarize the results for 2023, the Company managed to reduce general waste by 32.05% from the base year.

At the same time, we managed to collect waste from various events organized by the Company while 284 kilograms of waste was delivered for proper disposal which helped reduce the amount of carbon footprint by up to 665 kgCo2e, equivalent to planting 74 trees.

Thanks to all the activities the Company carried out to help reduce global warming, a total carbon footprint of the Company decreased by 26,369 kgCo2e, equivalent to planting 2,930 trees. This is a significant increase of 111% compared to 2022.

2. Hazardous waste

Hazardous waste is another type of waste that the Company pays attention to by joining the project of the Pollution Control Department as a member of “Cooperation between the Government and the Private Sector in Collecting Hazardous Waste from Communities” with the objective to make people aware of the serious dangers of this type of waste so that people properly separate the waste without disposing them together with other types of waste. The Company set up 4 locations to receive hazardous waste (light bulbs, flashlights, aerosol cans, mobile phones, and peripherals): the head office, the Mingle Mall shopping center., Atmoz Flow sales office in Minburi and Atmoz Season sales office in Lat Prabang.

During 2023, the Company adopted a technology to help make the activity of disposing of hazardous waste more fun by recording information through Line OA: aswgrowgreen to receive GrowGreen Points, which can be exchanged for donuts or collected further to trade for other souvenirs. From this activity, the Company was able to collect 30 kilograms of hazardous waste, an increase of 3% from 2022.

3. Refill station

Refill station is an activity held continuously every quarter at the head office to promote the reduction of single-use packaging with the intention to encourage employees to change their behavior by bringing bottles to fill with various liquids used in daily life, including dishwashing liquid, fabric softener, laundry detergent, and hand washing liquid.

In addition to promoting a good mindset among employees, the Company has also expanded Refill Station initiative outside, such as the “Mingle Green Day” campaign at Mingle Mall shopping center and Chatuchak Night Walking Street event along Bang Khen Canal. For 2023, the total amount of liquid used for activities stood at 740,000 milliliters, equivalent to the reduction of 1,480 plastic bottles of 500ml size.

Greenhouse gas management in construction projects of the Group

Greenhouse gas management in completed construction projects

Impacts on air quality from greenhouse gases are mostly caused by traffic in the project, especially the parking lots and driveways due to the vehicles’ exhaust pipes. The emissions from traffic include nitrogen dioxide (NO2), hydrocarbon compounds (HC), and carbon monoxide (CO). The project must provide preventive measures and alleviate the effects by arranging parking areas that are open-air with wind blowing through it all the time which allows proper ventilation. Signs prohibiting leaving the engine on while parking were put in the parking area in order to prevent the accumulation of pollutants from the exhaust pipes of cars. In addition, speed control for cars in the project is also in place including providing clear traffic signs in the project to ensure efficient mobility of cars in the project including entrance-exit areas of the project with the objective to reduce pollution caused by the concentration of cars in on the driveways and unnecessary movements. At the same time, green spaces are provided within the project by planting trees that can help absorb carbon monoxide (CO) in the area around the project to absorb pollution generated in the project.

Greenhouse gas management in headquarters

1. Carbon footprint evaluation (headquarters)

The Company is highly aware and seeks to relieve the global warming effect. For this reason, the Company collects its data from every activity that emits greenhouse gas both directly and indirectly to evaluate and calculate its carbon equivalent at the headquarters. This evaluation leads to effective measures to reduce greenhouse gas emission.

carbon footprint

The scopes used in evaluating greenhouse gas emission are as follows:

  • Scope 1:

    Direct greenhouse gas emission, in which the sources belong to or are managed by the organization

  • Scope 2:

    Indirect greenhouse gas emission relating to electricity generation

  • Scope 3:

    Other indirect greenhouse gas emission

The Volume of Greenhouse Gases

1,110 ton of carbon dioxide equivalent

Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions


Tons Of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent

In 2023, the company's total greenhouse gas emissions were 1,408 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. which is a direct greenhouse gas emission (scope 1) of 226 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent Indirect GHG Emission (Scope 2) 313 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent and other indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scope 3) 869 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent.

The Company put in place measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as a campaign to save water and use it only as necessary, a campaign to drink water from water filters to reduce plastic bottle waste, an initiative to separate all types of waste and send them for further use (Zero Waste to Landfill), a campaign to adjust the air conditioner to 25 degrees Celsius and turn off the lights for 1 hour during the lunch break as well as always turning off the lights when no one is in the room. Moreover, some common areas at the main office also use electricity from solar energy. Regarding the building design, trees are planted to cover the building and the building is designed to have a façade to prevent heat from entering the building which helps save energy for the air conditioning systems.

2. Project to support activities to reduce greenhouse gases or LESS (Low Emission Support Scheme)

The Company places importance on reducing greenhouse gas emissions by organizing the activity to sort waste for recycling which is also the activity that we applied for certification. The steps for carrying out this activity are as follows:

  1. Raise awareness of employees about waste separation and waste management approaches.
  2. Set up Zero Landfill Stations on different floors of the building to make it easier to separate all types of waste.
  3. Housekeepers collect recyclable waste on a daily basis and store them in the room prepared for the purpose. When there is a sufficient amount of recyclable waste, trucks will be called for pick-ups, weighing, and information recording before selling and sending waste to a recycling process.
  4. Responsible officers record the weight of recyclable waste and keep sales receipts as evidence.
  5. Prepare a report to submit for certification of greenhouse gas reduction activities or LESS.

In 2023, the Company applied for the certification and received a certificate of honor for a total of 3 activities:

  1. Waste sorting activity for recycling at head office with the certification request period of 1 Jan. - 14 Jun. 2023 which can help reduce carbon footprint emissions by 2.823 tCO2e, equivalent to planting 314 trees.
  2. Waste sorting activity for recycling at the Mingle Mall shopping center with the certification request period of 1 Mar. - 31 Jul. 2023 which can help reduce carbon footprint emissions by 4.155 tCO2e, equivalent to planting 462 trees.
  3. Waste sorting activity for recycling at the Atmoz Flow Minburi sales office with the certification request period of 1 Jan. - 31 Jul. 2023, which can help reduce carbon footprint emissions by 57 kgCO2e, equivalent to planting 6 trees.

3. The Company became a member of the environmental project of the Stock Exchange of Thailand for all the 3 Cares.

1. Care the Bear

The Company participated in the "Care the Bear" project of the Stock Exchange of Thailand. This is another project where the Company took part in mitigating the problems of global warming. The activities organized by the Company are both online and offline, taking into account the principles of 6 Cares, namely:

  1. Encourage people to use public transportation or travel together.
  2. Reduce the use of paper and plastic from various documents and packaging.
  3. Refrain from using foam for packaging or foam for decoration.
  4. Reduce energy use from electrical equipment or switch to energy-saving equipment.
  5. Design using decorative materials that can be recycled.
  6. Reduce food waste at events.

In 2023, there were 13 activities and 1 project recorded through the Care the Bear project, both online and offline; for example, blood donation activity, tree planting activity under “Plant for the Planet” to reduce temperatures, the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, and Sharing Love Project through Braille #Year2, etc. These activities helped reduce carbon footprint emissions by 9,473 kgCo2e, equivalent to planting 1,053 trees - an increase of 120% from 2022.

Summary of the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Tree-Planting Equivalence

Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

9,473 kgCo2e

Equivalent to the planting of

1,053 trees

2. Care the Whale

The Company joined “Care the Whale” project with the aligned concept of “invisible waste” - eliminating the waste and find the ways to maximize the usage. This is in line with the Company's concept of waste management under “GrowGreen Policy” that manages waste right from the origins and gets rid of waste the right way with a common goal of Zero Waste to Landfill. The Company uses the Care the Whale platform to record the amount of various types of waste

Regarding the Care the Whale project, the Company is among 29 organizations that are actively and continuously reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the project that supports activities to reduce greenhouse gases (Low Emission Support Scheme or LESS) which received the certificate of honor from the Climate Care Forum (Time to Reduce).

3. Care the Wild

The Plant & Protect activity under Care The Wild project is another activity that is a collaboration in planting new forests and supplementary forests to promote forest care through reforestation network of partners. Planted trees will grow up perfectly with 100% survival rate, creating a balanced ecosystem and helping with the expansion of the forest area in a concrete manner. People can come and utilize the forests as well as joining forces in mitigating the global problem from the origin.

The Company has continuously supported Plant & Protect activity for the second year. Throughout the project, the Company has planted 4,000 trees, totaling 20 rai, at the community forest area behind the mountain in Bo Ploi, Kanchanaburi. This helps absorb carbon up to 36,000 kgCo2e per year.

Expanding green spaces

1. Plant for the Planet Project

CO2 emission is common in many business operations. As a responsible initiative for the environment and organisms living in it, AssetWise company and its partners have planted trees to help absorb CO2 under the project “Plant for the Planet”. The project aims to raise awareness to reduce CO2 emission in the future, both in business and personal activities, by inviting participants to plant 433 trees/person* to offset the CO2 an individual emits during everyday activities and prevent the global temperature from rising more than 1.5C degrees.

*An average Thai person emits greenhouse gasses 3,900 kilograms/year, a 10-year-old tree absorbs 9 kilograms of CO2/year

The “Plant for the Planet” project aligns with the Grow Green policy – namely, Green Space and Clean Air, as well as the “Green Bangkok 2030” project by the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration.


  1. Build cooperation between AssetWise and partners in raising environmental awareness and reduce CO2 through trees-planting activities by its employees
  2. Achieve the target to plant 433 trees planted per person.

In 2023, we have taken steps to increase green spaces under the Plant for the Planet project in Bangkok and other provinces with a total of 10 areas and 4,265 trees, accounting for carbon absorption of up to 38,385 kgCo2e.

2. Planting Seedlings Save the World and Seedling Nursery Center

Building on the Plant for the Planet project, the Company carried out another project to continually increase green spaces. In 2023, seedlings were prepared to be ready for planting in 2024 through a collaboration with the Prawet District Office, Bangkok and the Royal Forest Department with a joint development of the project “Planting Seedlings…Save the World” with 5 schools in Prawet District participating to plant seeds and care for seedlings to be ready to be planted in 2024.

In addition, there was also a continuous cooperation for the second year with Ramintra Sports Park under Park Office of the Department of Environment of Bangkok by establishing a seedling nursery center to prepare seedlings for 2024 by planting seeds of more than 20 species of forest trees supported by the Royal Forest Department, such as Siamese rosewoods, redwood, ma kha nums, padauks and ivories.

3. Innovation in recording environmental information

AssetWise is committed to supporting solutions for reducing environmental impacts for everyone. Therefore, an Official Line called ASWGrowGreen was developed and launched as a tool for creating experiences and recording environmental information with preliminary calculation of carbon dioxide emission reduction included. Currently, the tool focuses on increasing green spaces/planting trees as well as waste management.

Plant for the Planet: is a function to record information related tree planting, starting from planting seeds, taking care of seedlings to planting trees and tracking trees growth while details in each step can be recorded.

Zero Landfill : is a function to record information related to waste management with a classification of waste into recyclable materials, materials sent for further use (unrecyclable waste), hazardous materials, and food scraps.

Reduce air pollution

AssetWise is committed to reducing air pollution emissions into the atmosphere, with a particular focus on reducing air pollutants generated during construction.

Reducing air pollution emissions 20% compared to standard value

Example Station 1 Project area KAVE UNI.VERSE BANGSAEN

No. Category Standard value Result % emission lower than standard value
1 Total Suspeded Particulate (TSP) ≤0.33 (24hrs.) 0.071 78.48
2 Particulate matter-10 micron (PM-10) ≤0.12 (24hrs.) 0.0059 95.08
3 Carbon monoxide (CO) ≤34.2 (1hrs.) 2.01 94.12
4 Total Hydrocarbon (THC) No standard value 1.31 N/A
5 Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) ≤0.32 (1hrs.) <0.904 70.63
6 Sulfur dioxide (SO2) ≤0.30 (24hrs.) 0.011 96.33

Remark : 17 - 18 July 2023