Message from CEO

Last year we still had to navigate through challenges while the world post-COVID-19 pandemic was marked by the recovery of domestic economy as tourism sector and private consumption continued to drive economic growth of the country. During the period, the return of tourists, especially foreign visitors, has strengthened tourism and the number of tourists is expected to reach the same level as before the COVID-19 outbreak. In addition, positive impacts were also driven by various economic stimulus measures issued by the government, boosting the country's economy including the real estate sector to become lively again. However, competition of the real estate development remains intense and economic fluctuations both inside and outside the country still inevitably affect customer demands.
The Company has been able to progress firmly throughout the year under 3 important keys to success “Continue/Connect/Contribute”: Continue – Continue to expand the real estate empire consistently in locations with expertise, Connect – Connect growth in new businesses to complete and strengthen the business portfolio to cover new locations and team up with partner companies to develop various condominium projects, as well as sending positive signals for continuous investment, and Contribute – Contribute to the society by moving forward with business to achieve sustainability along with caring for the environment under the concept “ GrowGreen” initiated since 2021 to create an ecosystem that supports a good quality of live in terms of living, environment and society.
Regarding our core business, the real estate market segment for the “real demand” with the group of buyers who will actually live in the properties was able to grow smoothly as the economy recovers. This is in line with AssetWise's business strategy that focuses on the condominium market that meets the needs of urban workers who still have a consistent demand for housing (City Condo) as well as the market for condominiums around educational institutions (Campus Condo) that is with high demand. In the past year, the Company launched new projects both horizontal and condominium projects totaling 15 projects with a total project value of 30,260 million baht, higher than the original target of 12 projects. Furthermore, we were able to achieve sales in 2023 of up to 16,486 million baht, exceeding the target by more than 16% compared to the previous year.
In addition, the Company made an important investment in July 2023 as we spotted and seized a new and challenging opportunity which will become an engine in driving the Company forward and delivering strong growth for the Company. The opportunity we took was the acquisition of 67.61% of total shares in Rhom Bho Property Public Company Limited or TITLE. We considered this investment as a perfect decision - good timing, good deal and good company. Both AssetWise and TITLE have a similar DNA especially when it comes to an affection for the real estate business and a passion in developing good projects. Moreover, we both pay attention to design details while properly controlling costs. At the same time, we are recognized for our construction quality and good after-sales services. This will surely be another important part that helps build competitiveness and drive business growth including creating good returns on investment in the future. Recently, The Title Legendary Bang-Tao project has opened for sale at the end of 2023 and received excellent responses from Thai and foreign customers alike, reflecting the confidence of customers for The Title brand. To carry forward our success to 2024, the Company planned to launch 3 new projects, including “The Title Heritage Bang Tao” with the project value of 6,000 million baht, “The Title Serenity Naiyang” with the project value of 4,000 million baht and “The Title Rawai” with the project value of 1,000 million baht.
It is evident from what were mentioned earlier that AssetWise has come a long way and grown fast in the real estate business. We remain committed to becoming the country's leading real estate company according to our Company’s vision. Since the first day we began to develop the residential projects, the Company intended to build the best homes to deliver happiness to our customers. We also pay great attention to conducting business with our partners under the concept of "We Build Happiness" and always honor our commitment..
Finally, on behalf of AssetWise Public Company Limited, I would like to thank shareholders, investors, and business partners as well as all customers who have always given great confidence and support to the Company. Most importantly, our appreciation goes to our management team and all employees of the Company for their dedication of both physical and mental strength to support the Company's operations. The Company pledged to conduct our business to the best of our ability according to good governance principles to achieve maximum benefit for all stakeholders in a sustainable manner.